Yep .. it’s that time again! Today is the beginning of our latest Massively Minecraft Building Competition. YAY!
This month the theme is ANIMALS. You can build anything animal related – for example:
- A giant sculpture of your favourite animal
- A zoo
- A farm
- A dog in her kennel
- A cat in his basket
- A giraffe
- A pixel art of your real life pet
- … anything you can think of that somehow includes or relates to Animals!
We can’t wait to see what everyone creates!
The building starts today – 1st July 2017 and ends on the 22nd July 2017 – so you have three weeks to make your epic animal creation. Get to work!
Everyone who participates in the MMBC in July will receive the MMBC in July Award.
To join in on the MMBC, visit the MMBC Building Arena at /warp mmbc and choose a plot. Use a sign to put your name on the owner’s board so we know its your spot.
Yes I am so excited!