Originally Posted by PunkRocker00
Hello everyone. I want to address a problem with some servers. Lately, I have seen kids being bullied on unsafe servers. Please always ask permission from a parent/ legal guardian before you go on a server. Even though you think a server is safe, that can not be guaranteed. I know other people have made posts like this before, but the more people say stuff, the more people listen. So, here are the things you should always remember to do before joining a server:
1. Ask a parent if you can go on the server, if they say no, it’s for a good reason.. you’ll thank them later.
2. There might be a video on reviewing the particular server, so watch it, and see for yourself if you like it.
These are the most important things to do to prevent cyber bullying on Minecraft. Minecraft is an awesome game, let’s keep it that way.
Server tip: If there are a lot of fights, cussing, ect. don’t pick fights. People think they can say anything because it’s the internet, you can do anything you want- there are no moderators on the internet, so anything can be said and done. Don’t feed the trolls, the more you say, the more powered they feel.
Thank you for reading, and I hope that this makes sense enough to follow it.
Its sad to know Punk left :(
She was really cool